Our Partners

  • DarkSky International

    DarkSky International (formally International Dark-Sky Association), is the recognized authority on light pollution and is the leading organization combating light pollution worldwide. It was founded in 1988, and is dedicated to protecting the night skies for present and future generations. DarkSky is the recognized authority for night sky protection and has taken the lead in identifying and publicizing the negative impacts of artificial light at night on human health, wildlife and climate change.

  • Rose City Astronomers

    Located in Portland, Oregon, Rose City Astronomers (RCA) is dedicated to promoting the enjoyment and education of astronomy to its members and the general public. It has been actively advocating for dark skies for over a dozen years and is a member of Dark Sky International. This club of over 800 member families is the largest astronomy club in the U.S.

  • Bird Alliance of Oregon

    The Bird Alliance of Oregon’s Lights Out program helps reduce the impacts of light pollution on birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, plants, and humans. Lights Out programs also save energy and money, reduce our carbon emissions, safeguard our own human health, and preserve our view of the night sky!

    Take the Pledge to go Lights Out, and you will be helping to make our region safer and healthier for wildlife and humans alike, and help raise awareness about the growing impact that light pollution has on the world around us.

  • Worthy Environmental

    Worthy Environmental, also known as The Worthy Garden Club is a proud supporter of Dark Sky International. WGC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit housed at Worthy Brewing Company.

    Their mission is to teach the community to respect and protect the beauty of the planet through cosmic viewings at the Hopservatory (our on-campus observatory), sustainable landscape operations in the Worthy Garden, re-wilding of timberlands along Tenmile Creek near Yachts, and educational events illuminating the threats to Earth's ecosystem. For more information please visit the Garden Club web site.


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